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Not Cool! Simple Explanations Why Your Central Air Unit Really Stinks

When you are looking for relief from scorching temperatures in the summer, if you are like most people, you will prop yourself indoors where the air is cool and refreshing courtesy of your central air conditioner. This one appliance is likely relied on more heavily than most in your home through the summer, and occasionally, there can be problems. Some problems will downright stink—literally. A faulty central air unit can funnel horrid odors through your home and can be bad enough that you would prefer to just stay hot. Here are some of the most common odors central air units can develop and the likely causes you need to know. 

Sweat, Socks, and Stench

If you have ever left old workout clothes in your hot car and discovered them a week later, you will understand why the smell of stale and sweaty clothing articles coming from your air conditioner can be so unsettling. The odor you are experiencing is likely radiating from the coil condenser that has been coated with moisture and allowed to mildew. Therefore, the dirty sock problem most commonly appears right after turning the unit back on for the summer. To eliminate the odors, the central unit will have to be taken apart down to the condenser and thoroughly cleaned, which is best left to a technician because this can be a lengthy procedure. 

Burning Oil, Rubber, or Wiring

The smell of something burning flowing through the air vents leading into your home will no doubt cause concern, but sometimes the smell can be so horrendous that it leaves you unable to use your air conditioner at all, even if you felt safe doing so. This is a common issue with newly installed units that have been bought used and is often associated with the new electrical connections and lubricants adjusting to the heat in the unit. Therefore, you may see the issue dissipate quickly after the unit has been in operation for a bit. However, if the burning smell is accompanied by smoke or other signs of overheating, turn off the air conditioner, remove its power source at the breaker, and call a technician for help. 

You may thoroughly enjoy your central air unit and all it does for you and your home, but a smelly unit can be a major headache. If your air unit smells funny, weird, or just stinks all the way around, talk to a professional, like one from HomeSmart From Xcel Energy, for advice. 
