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3 Things To Know About Reclaimed Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is one of the most desired types of flooring in the world. People like it because of its durability, quality, and beauty, and it comes in thousands of types and colors. If you are planning on putting hardwood in your home, have you considered purchasing reclaimed hardwood? If not, you may want to learn more about what it is, and this may cause you to want to choose reclaimed wood.

What Is It?

Reclaimed hardwood flooring is now available from many large flooring stores. Reclaimed wood comes from old houses and buildings, and it is refinished and can be used in homes for flooring. Basically, reclaimed wood is recycled wood. Because of this, it offers many benefits over other types of wood flooring products.

What Are the Benefits?

One of the key benefits of choosing reclaimed wood is that you can be certain that new trees were not needed to make the flooring you have in your home. This is vital to environmentalists, and to anyone that cares about the future of the earth. In addition to this benefit, there are others, including:

  • Character – Reclaimed wood is often 100 years old or older, and the trees used for the flooring may no longer be available for producing hardwood floors today. Because of this, reclaimed wood floors are full of unique details and character.
  • Highly durable – Hardwood flooring is made from trees grown on tree farms. These trees are often young trees, which have wood that is not as strong as the wood used 100 years ago to make the flooring products. This is why reclaimed wood is so durable.

In addition to these benefits, you should also know that there are hundreds of options to choose from with reclaimed hardwood.

What Are the Options?

Pine and oak are two popular types of reclaimed hardwood you can purchase, but there are other types too. When you purchase reclaimed wood, it's important to find out the following details:

  • Age – You may be able to find out approximately how old the wood is, and you might even be able to find out some history about the product.
  • Type and color – You will always get to select the type of flooring and the color, and you should examine samples before ordering.
  • Processes used – Reclaimed wood should be placed through several processes to prepare it for use in your home. This requires cleaning and sanding the wood, cutting it into different lengths, and drying it in a kiln.

If you would like to learn more about reclaimed hardwood, visit a flooring store or a National Carpet Mill Outlet company in your area. They may be able to tell you what options they offer, and they can also help you select other types of flooring for the rest of your home.  
